The COMPASS School provides screenings and comprehensive assessments to students as requested by school districts, parents, or during IEP reevaluation periods. As a result, the COMPASS School offers its students an opportunity to engage with the following related services:
The Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) observes classrooms and conducts assessments to identify why students engage in certain challenging behaviors. The BCBA works with the educational and clinical teams to identify alternative skills that can be taught as replacement behaviors. Group contingencies to increase classroom participation are also developed with teachers to further assist with behavioral support.
See The ABCs of ABA
The Occupational Therapist (OT) helps students develop, recover, improve, as well as maintain the skills needed for daily living and working. At COMPASS, the OT specializes in social and emotional learning, sensory processing, task analysis, assistive technology, and activity and environmental modifications. The OT engages with students through individualized direct treatment per their IEPs, as well as through consultative services for whole classrooms. The OT also provides screenings and comprehensive assessments as necessary.
See, A Work In Process
The Speech & Language Pathologist (SLP) serves students whose disabilities include receptive and expressive language, speech sound disorders (articulation and phonological processing), cognitive-communication, fluency, voice/resonance, and pragmatic language. The SLP promotes students’ abilities to appropriately express wants and needs and to self-advocate. The SLP identifies the level of support and accommodations needed for students to effectively access curriculum, participate in testing, and engage in social settings.
The School Nurse is a registered nurse who provides health supervision for the students enrolled at COMPASS. The nurse acts as a resource for counselors and teachers regarding overall school health and safety, health curriculum content, health related field trips, medication training, and in services during orientation and throughout the year.

The Outdoor Education program provides a safe environment for students to explore natural landscapes. The goal is to increase self-sufficiency, to help build healthy relationships, to cultivate a sense of belonging, to teach nature-based skills, and to make the outdoors more accessible.
learn more about outdoor education here
The Vocational and Transitions programs give students the opportunity to gain employable skills through hands-on experience. Students gain these skills through a variety of experiences on and off-site, such as Culinary Arts, building maintenance, and community internships.

BEAMS system:
At COMPASS, we believe that the skills needed for students to be successful in school must be taught through prosocial interactions and positive reinforcement. COMPASS utilizes a behavior support policy (the BEAMS system) developed by staff over the past 20 years that provides a strength-based, nonpunitive approach to building skills – the philosophical framework upon which the COMPASS School is based. This model is designed to foster the skills to help students to bounce back from adversity and minimize the risk factors that they may have experienced or currently exhibit.
This model represents a comprehensive and effective means with which to address the emotional, behavioral, academic, and social needs of our students within the therapeutic milieu. BEAMS has three components that are inter-related and cannot function independently of one another: Positive Point System to increase motivation, Skill Development to build the necessary skills for success, and the Step System to assess development.
School Contacts
Terry Belli
Clinical Director
Email Terry
(857) 220-2333, x339
Keir Araujo
Director of Admissions & Family Engagement
Email Keir
(617) 388-3102